John Michuki

John Njoroge Michuki

John Michuki: Minister for Environment and Mining.

John Njoroge Michuki was born 1932 at Muguru village, Iyego Location, Kangema Division in Murang’a County. Educated in Kenya and abroad, Michuki has emerged as one of the prominent and long-serving civil servants and politicians as well as a businessman in Kenya. Michuki has served Kenya in various capacities, including Permanent Secretary in the Finance Ministry, Chairman of the Kenya Commercial Bank, Member of Parliament and cabinet Minister.[1] He is currently serving for 4th five-year term as Member of Parliament for Kangema constituency. Michuki has a reputation as a “ruthless” and efficient manager, who is widely acknowledged as among the best performing ministers in President Kibaki's Government.[2] He is currently the Minister for Environment and National Resources.


Early life

John Njoroge Michuki was born in December 1932 at Muguru village, Iyego Location, Kangema Division in modern day Murang’a County. He was born to a large polygamous family of Chief Michuki wa Kagwi who had 47 wives. Michuki was the first-born son of Mariana Wanjiku, the 45th wife of Chief Michuki Kagwi. Despite his chiefly parentage, Michuki did not enjoy the privileges of life in his early upbringing. This was largely because his father died in 4 January 1940 when young Michuki was just seven years old. He suffered the fate of large polygamous family, where sons of older wives tend to disinherit those of younger wives. As such, Michuki’s mother secured only 3 acres from the large Michuki estate. In many respects, Michuki’s early life was similar to that of many post-colonial African elite who rose to prominence aided by a combination of the social capital and ties of extended family, networks of friends, sheer ingenuity and hard work. Although he is rightfully a self made man, Michuki attributes his success to his disciplinarian father and a visionary and loving mother Mariana Wanjiku who, despite being illiterate,was keen on giving him education.


Michuki’s mother enrolled him at Muguru primary School in 1941, a year after his father’s demise. In 1943 young Michuki dropped out of school a result of financial problems to cater for his fees. He travelled to Nairobi where he worked briefly in tailoring-related works where he fixed buttons and made button holes for the uniforms of the Pioneer Corp Unit, during the Second World War. By the time the war ended, Michuki had relocated to Nyeri where he worked in the same job near the old police station, earning 1 Kenya shilling per day. While in Nairobi, he also cooked for the close and distant relatives quarantined by the colonial government as a result suffering from a smallpox epidemic. While here, Michuki enrolled at Kiangunyi Primary School where he sat for and passed his Kenya African Primary Education (KAPE) in 1945

In 1947 Michuki was admitted to Nyeri High School for his Secondary education, proceeding to Mang'u High School for his Advance Level education. It was while a student at Mang'u High School in that Michuki met his life-long friend, Emilio Mwai Kibaki, under whom he later served a senior civil servant and as a cabinet Minister when the latter became the President of the Republic of Kenya in 2002. In 1961, Michuki secured a government scholarship to study at the Worcester College, a constituent college of the University of Oxford, United Kingdom where he graduated with a bachelors degree in Economics, Finance and Public Administration.

Civil Service Career

Michuki began his long career as civil servant in 1957 when he was recruited as a clerk within the Provincial Administration immediately after graduating from Mang’u his school.[1] Upon graduating from Worcester in 1961, Michuki returned to Kenya becoming the First African District Commissioner (DC) in Nyeri.[3] When Kenya gained independence in 1963, Michuki joined Kenneth Matiba and Mwai Kibaki in the youthful team of senior civil servants in Jomo Kenyatta’s first Independent Government (1963–1969). His achievements enabled him to quickly rise up the ranks from an Under Secretary in the Treasury in 1963 to Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Treasury in 1964 and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance in 1965. During his tenure as permanent Secretary, Michuki represented the Kenya Government on the boards of numerous influential international bodies, including being an Alternate Governor for Kenya on the World Bank, the International Development Association (IDA) and International Finance Corporation (IFC).[4] In 1971, he was awarded the Fellow of International Bankers Association (1971 – Washington) for his exemplary stewardship of the Ministry of Finance and later the Kenya Commercial Bank.[5] In 1970, President Jomo Kenyatta appointed Michuki as the Executive Chairman of the Kenya Commercial Bank where he served until 1979.[6] When President Daniel arap Moi succeeded President Jomo Kenyatta as President upon the latter’s death in 1978, Michuki became one of the Kikuyu civil servants who left public service to embark on business and political careers.

Political career

Entry to Politics

A year after leaving government, Michuki tried his hand in politics when he vied for the Kangema parliamentary seat during the 1979 general election, the first in the Moi era. He, however, lost to the incumbent, John Joseph Kamotho.[7] Michuki made an impressive political come-back in the aftermath of the abortive Coup d’état by elements of the Kenya Air Force that nearly toppled Daniel Moi from power on 1 August 1982 and the political shake-up that followed the “Njonjo Commission of Inquiry” which set the stage for the dramatic fall of the then powerful former Attorney-General and Minister for Constitution Affairs, Charles Mugane Njonjo, and many of his allies in 1983. Michuki captured the chairmanship of the then powerful single party, the Kenya African National Union (KANU) in 1983, and dislodged Kamotho from the Kangema seat in the 1983 snap election. President Daniel arap Moi appointed him Assistant Minister for Finance.[8] However, Michuki lost his parliamentary seat and the cabinet post after the controversial ‘Mlolongo’ (queue voting) election in 1988.[9] In the ensuing protest politics after the 1988 massively flawed elections, Michuki covertly supported an emerging group rallied around his Murang’a counter-parts, Kenneth Matiba and Charles Rubia, advocating for Kenya’s return to multi-party politics. This campaign culminated in the historic Saba saba uprising that eventually mounted pressure on Moi to repeal of article 2A, that legalized KANU’s one-party dictatorship, and Kenya’s return to political pluralism in 1991.

Multi-party Politics

In 1991, Michuki aligned himself to the politics of the original Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD) that emerged out of the Saba saba protest politics. Although his friend, Mwai Kibaki, also left the government and formed the more conservative Democratic Party of Kenya in December 1991, Michuki maintained his loyalty to the more populist FORD. Michuki was again forced to choose his political path when the original FORD split into two rival factions: the right-leaning Ford-Asili under Kenneth Matiba and its rival Ford-Kenya led by the left-leaning Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Michuki threw his support behind Matiba and FORD-Asili.[10] During the seminal 1992 multiparty elections, Michuki recaptured the Kangema seat on the Ford-Asili ticket. But when Ford-Asili further splintered ahead of the 1997 elections, Michuki decamped to Ford-People and retained his Kangema seat on the party’s ticket.

Kibaki Era

Michuki was at the center of the coalition-making politics ahead of the historic 2002 elections. He first joined a group of parliamentarians led by the then leader of Opposition, Mwai Kibaki, which formed the National alliance (Party) of Kenya (NAK), as a merger of smaller opposition parties that endorsed Kibaki as flag-bearer. In October 2002, NAK coalesced with the breakaway faction of KANU, the Labour Democratic Party (LDP) to form the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) in 2002, which dislodged Moi and KANU after nearly four decades in power.[11] Michuki became a central figure and a key Kibaki ally in the NARC politics, retaining his Kangema parliamentary seat. President Kibaki subsequently appointed him Minister of Transport and Communications in the NARC government.[12] Michuki’s legacy as the Minister for Transport and Communications was the famous "Michuki Rules" aimed at restoring public order and sanity in the public transport, especially the chaotic Matatu (Taxi) sector. The rules which came into effect in February 2004 required all public taxis (“matatus”) and buses to install speed governors, passenger safety belts, operate in clearly defined routes, to carry a specified number of passengers and their drivers and conductors to be disciplined and to have a clean security record.[13]

In recognition of his efforts to reform public transport, Michuki won the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights' Waziri (Minister’s) award.[14] The defeat of the government sponsored constitution in the 2005 referendum culminated to the cabinet reshuffle which saw Michuki appointed as the Minister of influential ministry Internal Security and Provincial Administration.[15] Michuki was appointed as Minister for Roads and Public Works in the Cabinet named by President Kibaki on January 8, 2008 following the controversial December 2007 presidential election.[16] He would however serve this ministry for a short while as when the Grand Coalition government was formed after a power-sharing agreement between president Kibaki and the leader of the opposition Raila Odinga.[17]

Michuki was appointed as Minister for the Environment and Mineral Resources in the Grand Coalition Cabinet named on April 13, 2008.[18] He was also appointed by president Kibaki as an Acting Minister of Finance on July 11, 2008 to stand in for Amos Kimunya.[19] Amos Kimunya stepped aside pending investigation on corruption allegation in the Ministry when he censored by parliament over the sale of Grand Regency Hotel and the Safaricom IPO. As Minister for Environment and Mineral Resources, has initiated diverse programmes and projects among them being the Nairobi River's Rehabilitation and Restoration Programme,[20] the reclamation of the Kenya's five water towers (the Mau Forest Complex, Mount Kenya, Aberdare Range, Mount Elgon and Cherangany Hills). He was honoured with a UNEP Award for his role clean-up of the Nairobi River and the city.[21] Michuki is the force behind the enactment of a new mining act to regulate environmental degradation and mining.[22] He has also taken key leadership in addressing Africa's position towards the Climate Change conference in Copenhagen (December 2009) and he is currently the Co-Chair of International Environmental Governance (IEG).[23]



Perhaps the most contentious issue surrounding Michuki is the infamous ‘Shoot-to-Kill’ order which he is alleged to have directed the police while he served as the Minister for Internal Security.[24] Human Rights groups condemned the order citing that it contravened both the Police Act and general Human Rights guaranteed by the constitution.[25] He denies the allegation and says that they are attacks by his political rivals. Michuki is alleged to have ordered the raid on the Standard Media Group in February 2007. He sparked more protest when he declared that “when you rattle a snake you must be prepared to be bitten.”[26] In the report investigating the conduct of the controversial Artur Brothers that was made public, Michuki is alleged to have made contact with them.

The 2010 Referendum Politics

During the 2010 referendum, Michuki initially took a neutral stand and was reluctant to declare support for the proposed constitution. Michuki was in some instance reported in the media to be opposed to the draft constitution ‘dismissing it as a foreign document’.[27] However, Michuki, who had remained mute for the better part of the campaigns, finally broke silence endorsing the draft constitution saying he did not want to “act as a stumbling block to the passage of a new constitution which has eluded Kenyans for over twenty years”.[28] He also cited his long friendship with president Kibaki who was heading the Pro-draft campaigns.

Politics of the Kibaki Succession

Amid the opposition from Rift Valley MPs, Michuki insisted that all occupants of the Mau Forests would be evicted and only some of the squatters would be compensated. He said it was within his duty as the Environment Minister to protect forests.[29] The Mau forest question is said to be the “most explosive political issue in the politics of the Kibaki succession in the run-up to the August 2010 constitutional referendum and the decisive 2012 elections”.[30] Michuki has also received a fair share of condemnation after he endorsed Uhuru Kenyatta as the Kikuyu, Embu and Meru flag bearer ahead of the 2012 elections.[31] His proposition was condemned as “Project Uhuru II” by among Martha Karua who is also a presidential hopeful for 2012 and also comes from the same tribe as Uhuru. Karua was alluding to “Project Uhuru” in 2002 when President Moi threw his weight behind Uhuru Kenyatta for the Presidency when he was retiring.[32]

Personal life

Michuki is married to Josephine Watiri Michuki, and has six children (three boys and three girls). He is the Chairman and majority shareholder of Windsor Golf & country club, Nairobi—which he built after losing the Mlolongo elections of 1988.[33] Michuki is also the Managing Director of Fairview Investments Ltd and Kangema Farmers Ltd which are involved in coffee farms, tea farms and Real Estate among other things.[34]

He was an uncle to Queen Jane, a famous musician.[35]


  1. ^ a b “Minister’s Profile – Hon. John Michuki, EGH, MP” Office of Public Communication,
  2. ^ OSCAR OBONYO, “Life and times of Hon.John Njoroge Michuki”
  3. ^ Kenya Parliament Online,Member of Parliament – Michuki, John
  4. ^ Windsor Golf Resort, Golf Committee Members, Available at
  5. ^ “John Michuki”, Create Your Reader 2009 Available at
  6. ^ George Okore, “Never rattle a snake, says John Njoroge Michuki”, July 27, 2006, Available at
  7. ^ George Okore, “Never rattle a snake, says John Njoroge Michuki”, July 27, 2006 Available at
  8. ^ “Old And New Faces Land Top Jobs in Kibaki's Cabinet”, The Standard (Nairobi) , 4 January 2003. Available at
  9. ^ Njonjo Kihuria “Reflections of a Fallen Insider”,, 15 June 2008. Available at
  10. ^ “Raila And Michuki Assassination Claims: Why Murder Is Definitely On Somebody's Mind”,
  11. ^ “Why Michuki rules failed”, January 27, 2009 by Nairobi Chronicle, Available at
  12. ^ “Appointing an obedient and loyal servant – Michuki gets the finance docket”, July 13, 2008,
  13. ^ Mark Agutu, “Michuki holds crisis talks on 'Matatu laws,” Daily Nation, 4 February 2004.
  14. ^ “Annual Human Rights And Democracy Awards Past Awardees”, The Kenya National Commission On Human Rights (KNCHR),
  15. ^ “John Michuki”, Trip Atlas online. Available at
  16. ^ George Okore, Never rattle a snake, says John Njoroge Michuki,” 27 July 2006.
  17. ^ ."Kenya: Kibaki Names Cabinet", The Standard (Nairobi), 8 January 2008,
  18. ^ Anthony Kariuki, "Kibaki names Raila PM in new Cabinet", Daily Nation (Nairobi) 13 April 2008.
  19. ^ ."Kibaki names ally as acting Kenya finance minister", Africa Updates, 11 July 2008. Available at
  20. ^ “Nairobi Rivers Rehabilitation and Restoration Programme”, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
  21. ^ Paul Juma, “Michuki gets Nairobi River clean-up award”, Daily Nation, 9 December 2009.
  22. ^ Abiud Ochieng’, “New move to make quarries a safe place to work in”, Daily Nation, 20 April 2010. Available at
  23. ^ Paul Juma “ Michuki gets Nairobi River clean-up award”, Daily Nation, December 9, 2009: Available at
  24. ^ “Bloody gang violence raises alarm in Kenya”, Reuters, 8 June 2007.
  25. ^ “Fury at Kenya shoot-to-kill order” BBC News (London), 23 March 2005. Available at
  26. ^ “Kenya: Angry Kenyans condemn raid on ‘Standard’ and KTN”, The Standard (Nairobi) 03 March 2006,
  27. ^ Dickens Odhiambo , “Michuki, Kingi reject draft law” Jambo NEWS Online, 5 Apr 2010.
  28. ^ Anthony Kariuki, “Michuki breaks silence, joins Yes camp” Daily Nation (Nairobi), 15 July 2010.,%20joins%20Yes%20camp/-/926046/958764/-/15epap1z/-/index.html
  29. ^ Njeri Rugene and Lucas Barasa, “Mau evictions to go on: Michuki” Daily Nation (Nairobi) 24 July 2009.
  30. ^ Fighting for the Mau: Land, Climate Change and the Politics of the Kibaki succession” Africa Policy Report , Africa Policy Institute,
  31. ^ Emeka-Mayaka-Gekara And Oliver Mathenge, “Kibaki hand seen in ‘anointing’ of Uhuru as central Kenya spokesman” Daily Nation, 16 October 2010.
  32. ^ MARC LACEY “Kenya's Ruling Party Picks Kenyatta Son to Succeed President” The New York Times, 15 October 2002.
  33. ^ “Economic and Social Research Foundation Globalisation and East Africa - Working Paper,” Series No. 9, Development of National Entrepreneurship in the East African Tourism Industry.
  34. ^ “John Michuki vs Nation Media Group Ltd.” Kenya Law Reports, 2009.
  35. ^ The Standard, July 1, 2010: Chief’s daughter who grew to become Queen

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